The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards.
The possibilities we see in the context of our core values; a picture of what we want “it” to be.
The collaborative effort of a group of people to willingly achieve a common goal or complete a shared task.
Standards of duty and virtue that indicate how we should behave; involves two aspects:
1) the ability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and propriety from impropriety;
2) the commitment to do what is right, regardless of temptations and pressures otherwise
The feeling of sympathy and concern for the suffering of others coupled with the desire to help to alleviate it.
To take responsibility for our lives. Instead of blaming circumstances, conditions, or chance for our behavior, we choose our own responses and make our own decisions.
To honor and value ourselves first and then others or, we choose our own responses and make our own decisions.
To be counted on to keep our word; to do what we say we will do.
To dare to take action; to take a personal stand.
To hold in trust, take responsibility for, protect, and act on behalf of an asset; stewardship.
The action of helping or doing work from someone else.
To devote ourselves to a purpose and/or person.
Agreement or harmony; compatibility
The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
Since 1989, Leadership Long Beach (LLB), through its principled leadership programs, helped inspire, create and cultivate more than 2,000 community-engaged alumni to give back to Long Beach.
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Applications for our Institute Program are being accepted through Sunday, July 7th.